When it comes to crafting an article, the headline is crucial for grabbing the reader’s attention and enticing them to read further. In this post, I’ll explore the 7 types of article headlines and provide examples for each using the subjects of product management, user experience design, and search engine optimization.
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5 Product Management Myths You Need to Stop Believing
Product management is one of the most exciting and rewarding careers in the tech world. But it’s also one of the most misunderstood and misrepresented. There are many myths and misconceptions that cloud the reality of what product managers do, how they do it, and what skills they need to succeed. In this blog post, we’ll bust five of the most common product management myths and reveal the truth behind them.
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The Key Strengths of the Best Product Managers
The role of a product manager is crucial to the success of any product. They are responsible for managing the entire product life cycle, from conceptualization to launch and beyond. A product manager must possess a unique blend of skills and qualities to be effective in their role.
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Effective Prioritization Strategies for Product Managers
As a product manager, one of the most important tasks is to prioritize work. This involves identifying the most important tasks and ensuring that they are completed in a timely and efficient manner. There are several primary methods that product managers use to prioritize work, including the use of prioritization frameworks, user feedback, and data analysis.
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The HEART Framework: A Practical Approach to Measuring User Experience
The HEART framework was developed by Google and is a set of metrics that help organizations assess the quality of their user experience. The acronym HEART stands for Happiness, Engagement, Adoption, Retention, and Task success. Each of these five metrics represents a key aspect of user experience that can be measured and improved upon.
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5 Product Principles for Product Managers
I was listening to a recent episode of the Mind the Product podcast, in which the guest Esha Shukla, a product manager at WhatsApp, shared 5 product management principles that she lives by. They struck a chord with me, so in order to make them more widely available, I will summarize and share them here.
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How to Use an Experience Canvas to Improve UX Design Outcomes
One of the main things I ask my Product Design team to do when starting a new project is to understand the project’s scope, particularly what problems we are trying to solve, who we are solving them for, and how we will know if we are successful.
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The Most Popular Medium Articles on Product Management
A lot has been written on Medium about product management. A lot. You only have to do a search for product management or view all the posts tagged with product management to get an idea of the huge volume of knowledge available.
To help sift through all the noise, I’ve collected the 18 most liked (well, clapped) articles that are directly focused on the subject.
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LinkedIn Email Notifications are User Unfriendly
Like many people, I receive multiple LinkedIn direct messages a week, each with its own email notification, like the one below. I find it such a frustrating experience, especially in 2020.
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11 Tips to Improve Your Ecommerce Mobile Site Search
If you run an ecommerce website or app, it’s likely that 30-50% of your transactions involved your site search. That’s why it’s critical that your mobile site search is well optimized, both in terms of functionality and user experience. Read More