I’ve been thinking about starting a side hustle for a while now. As a Ramit Sethi email subscriber I’m well aware of the myriad of opportunities to generate income on the side, doing something(ideally) I love. The challenge is that I’ve been having a hard time coming up with what that something I love is. Read More
Real Life

What Have You Learned Recently?
In a recent blog post, “Fully baked“, Seth Godin remarks on the difference between medical professionals and knowledge workers in their attitudes towards ongoing learning. Read More
Time for a New Adventure
It’s been very quiet on the Smiley Cat blog so far in 2015. The reason? I have been looking for a new job, which has occupied most of my free time in-front of the computer. The good news is that I have accepted a position based in Bangkok, Thailand. How about that for a change of scene from Austin, Texas? Read More
Looking to Hire a Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Strategist
We have an open position for an experienced search engine marketing strategist to lead organic and paid search for our portfolio of web properties.
The role is about 75% organic search and 25% paid search and is primarily focused on our two online stores, Supercircuits.com and SecurityCamerasDirect.com.

More Infographics
I haven’t posted much about what I have been working on in some time, so I thought I would catch up with a few infographics I have created with my online designer, Ismael.
They all cover topics related to crime as the website for which they were created sells video security products. It is always an interesting process developing an infographic – coming up with a theme, researching the data and then art directing the design through various iterations.
Web Design Trends to Help You Spring Clean Your Resume
This post from Andy Budd on web design trends is fascinating as it shows how once-popular terms such as information architecture and interaction design are falling out of favor when compared with UX design and responsive design.
Read MoreLooking to Hire an Email Marketing Manager
It’s been a while, but I’m hiring again. I’m looking for an Email Marketing Manager to create and manage email campaigns for the Observint Technologies portfolio of companies.
Read More
Lessons Learned from Launching an Online Store on Magento
For my day job, I manage a number of online properties, including a couple of online stores. We recently relaunched our main ecommerce site, Supercircuits.com, on Magento Enterprise Edition. Here are my thoughts about the experience.
Read MoreInfographic Design Needs Your Feedback
We’ve been dabbling with infographic design at work as a way to generate backlinks. We recently published a new one about the rising issue of copper theft (hey, I work in the security industry).
Read MoreAnatomy of a Horrible Web Design Client [Infographic]
This is pretty good — we’ve all dealt with them. I particularly like the quote:
Read More50% of web design clients only know what they don’t want, and they don’t know what that is until you design it for them.