Looking to Hire an Email Marketing Manager

It’s been a while, but I’m hiring again. I’m looking for an Email Marketing Manager to create and manage email campaigns for the Observint Technologies portfolio of companies.

This is a great opportunity for someone with relevant email marketing expertise who wants to take ownership of really building this important channel for us.

You will be responsible for coming up with campaigns, writing and sourcing content, working with our designer and developer to build the emails, managing lists and sends, and providing reporting and analysis. In short, you get to do it all (with plenty of support from me).

You will be responsible for creating newsletters, webinar and event invitations, and, most importantly, (lots of) regular marketing and promotional emails for our two main online stores, Supercircuits.com and SecurityCamerasDirect.com.

If this all sounds interesting, please check out the Email Marketing Manager job posting on our website and drop me a line.