Bill Scott delves into the humble mouse-over in his post “Musings on Mouse Hover”: In it he identifies three main uses for mouse-over effects:
# Hover invitation – using the hover to cue the user as to what is going to happen next
# Hover zoom/focus – enabling the user to focus in on a particular area (usually with mapping tools)
# Hover detail – using hover to show more information about an item (Netflix does this to great effect)
I particularly liked his conclusion:
bq. Use hover to create a more lightweight but engaging way to cue the user to hidden functionality. Use it as a way to provide just-in-time details. Use it to keep your page visually simpler providing what is needed when they are most curious.
*Update:* fiftyfoureleven goes into the hover invitation effect “in more detail”: and causes me to make a mental note to add this effect to all my online forms. It just makes sense.