The Best Article About Marketing Your Blog Ever?

ProBlogger guest author Tony Hung has written an amazingly comprehensive post about marketing your blog in 2007. In it he touches on just about every aspect of what it takes to develop a successful (i.e. popular) blog.

One point stood out for me in particular, and that was the emphasis Tony placed on developing your presence on MyBlogLog, especially now that it has been acquired by Yahoo!

I’ve been a member of MyBlogLog for a while now, but I have never paid it much attention. Perhaps it’s time for a second look.

It’s also worth remembering that many of these points can be applied equally as well to marketing a regular web site.

6 thoughts to “The Best Article About Marketing Your Blog Ever?”

  1. Great article.
    It’s always good to discover new resources online that can assist the marketing efforts and increase readership.
    However it does look like an awful amount of investment in time is needed to cut it these days.
    After reading this I thought it about time I too signed up to MyBlogLog:

  2. *Ed* — given the speed at which I write, that post would have taken me about a month, especially when you include all the research that must have gone into it.
    However, great posts like that tend to have a long shelf-life, especially if they get picked up by the search engines, and will drive a lot of traffic to your site for a long while to come.

  3. Yes,any additional resources to assist my marketing are most welcome;it seems the competition out there just gets tougher every day.

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