Here’s an amusing post/rant from Intranet Blog on how hits are a meaningless metric but are still way overused as a statistic.
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Do You Know What Users are Searching for on Your Web Site?
Do you know what people are searching for on your site? Got anything interesting to say about it? If so, Lou Rosenfield and Rich Wiggins are conducting a survey – What are users searching for on your site? – for an upcoming book on search analytics for web sites and intranets.
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What web stats package do you have? Do you trust it? My web hosting package comes with three pre-installed: Awstats, Webalizer and Analog. I was always pretty content to use Awstats as it produced comprehensive, easy-to-read statistics.
Smiley Cat Web Stats
There have been a couple of posts (Andy Budd, Whitespace) recently about stats, so in response to that, I thought I’d post some stats for my site for December 2003. Read More
Using Site Search Reports to Enhance Web Analytics
Web analytics are an essential tool for managing a website, and packages such as Webtrends and Click Tracks can tell you all kinds of things about how easily your visitors found information, what paths they took to get there, how long they stayed, and how often they returned.
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