I’ve just started using FeedBurner to distribute my RSS feed. Consequently, the URL for my feed has changed. I would be grateful if any subscribers could update their RSS readers to point to http://feeds.feedburner.com/smileycat.
Feedburner looks like a pretty useful service. My main interest is in its stats reporting for your feed. It also makes your XML file look pretty if someone clicks on the link – give it a try. And, it serves up RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0 or Atom on the fly, depending on the newsreader. Nice.
Once I’ve had the service up and running for a few weeks and have got to know it a little better, I’ll write a more substantial review.
It’s a lot easier if you update the newsreaders 🙂 Just do a http permanent redirect and all (good, which are most) newsreaders will follow it, and update the url in their list as well.
Mark, you’re absolutely right and I will be doing just that shortly (when I get around to it).