A few months ago I updated the live chat tool for one of the websites I manage so that it would proactively pop up after a visitor had been on the site for a couple of minutes and had viewed several pages.
Read MoreOrder Confirmation Page Done Well
I thought this order confirmation page from Potbelly Sandwich Shop was nicely done.
Read MoreMy Top Web Tools of 2011
I enjoyed reading ReadWriteWeb’s top web products and top web developer tools of 2011, so I thought I’d put together my own list of top web tools of 2011, based on which ones I liked and used the most.
Read MoreNice Way to Say “Thanks” from Netflix
Netflix came up with a different approach for their end-of-year holiday / thanks-for-being-a-customer email — a free DVD rental. Not only is it a nice gesture, but it is also implemented well.
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Email Header Design Showcase
I was recently working on some updates to one of our email newsletter templates, in particular the header area. I thought it would be useful to create a showcase of email header designs for reference. I certainly found it helpful — I hope you do too!
Read MoreUse Icon Fonts to Create Lightweight, Flexible Icons
I love this post from CSS-Tricks about using icon fonts to create website icons. I’d never really thought about using this technique before, but it seems like a clever way to build considerable flexibility into how you present icons and symbols on a website.
Read More10 Ways to Repackage Your Content For More Links and Exposure
Writing good, original content is hard. Which is why I love these two example filled posts by Ann Smarty about reusing existing content in clever and creative ways.
When Features are Commoditized its the User Experience that Counts
I recently cancelled my account with online backup service Mozy as they have discontinued their unlimited storage plan. Before I did, however, I moved to another service which still provides this option.
Read MoreWhat is the Best Email Width?
With the wide range of devices on which people now read their email, I wondered if this had caused retailers to adjust their email templates – my assumption would be to make them narrower.
Read MoreQuestions to Ask When Reviewing a Design
Jason Fried posted a list of questions he asks when reviewing designs which struck a chord with me as I spend a lot of my time reviewing designs and providing feedback (a process I honestly don’t enjoy a great deal).
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