Ever wondered what you’d find if you visited webdesign.com or usability.com? Neither had I. However, I was recently researching a similar domain name and the question popped into my head.
And so I started looking around. Here’s what I found…
Review of Wordze: a Keyword Research Tool
The following is a paid review. Please note: my time is being paid for but my opinions are my own.
Keyword research is an essential element of search engine optimization. Not surprisingly, there are many tools to help make this process easier and more effective, some free and some paid.
Dummy Text Generator
If you’ve got tired of using lorem ipsum as dummy text for your designs and of using the Lipsum Generator to create it, you might want to check out the Dummy Text Generator. Read More
Web Site Typography Makeover
In researching sites to include in my post on good typographic style I came across countless examples of poor typography and layout. One of those was GQ magazine, which surprised me given the quality of the magazine’s print version.
Read MoreExamples of Typographic Style on Commercial Web Sites
There’s something special about opening a page that uses great typography and layout. The headline pops out at you, drawing you in. Through good use of spacing the text looks readable and inviting.
Read MoreNew Book: Web Design for ROI
I recently came across an interesting new book — web design for ROI.
It’s based on the idea (that many designers seem to forget) that most web sites are business-focused and so should be designed and run like one.
Pricing Table Showcase: Design Patterns for Sign-Up Pages
For my latest Elements of Design gallery I thought I’d showcase pricing tables.
Tables in general seem to be a challenge for the designer (take a look at CSS Table Gallery for numerous table design crimes against humanity), which must be why so many are functional but very plain to look at.
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Write Better: Online Readability Testing Tools Compared
There are a number of readability testing tools available on the web.
I was recently looking for a good online readability tool to use and as I was reviewing them I thought it would be helpful to write up my research. I found 12 tools worth checking out. My comparison of them is below.
I was especially interested to see how their results compared when analyzing the same text. I used the Gettysburg Address for my sample text (see “Conclusions” for some take aways).
The Worst Home Page of 2007?
I just listened to UIE’s most recent usability tools podcast on mouseovers in navigation in which Jared Spool railed against flyouts and reminded us that users prefer link rich home pages.
Read MoreNielsen Norman Group Report on Accessibility Available for Free
Get your accessibility holiday gift now — Jacob Nielsen’s 148 page PDF report Beyond ALT Text: Making the Web Easy to Use for Users With Disabilities is now being offered for free. [via GUUUI]