10 Tips to Improve Web Site Usability Testing

Web site usability tests are easy to run and they don’t have to be perfect for you to learn a lot from them. The important thing is just to do them on a regular basis so that you can observe user behavior on your site.
Every time I run one I learn new things about what works and what doesn’t on our site. I also learn how I can improve the way I conduct our testing.
Here are some things I’ve learned that you might find useful:

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Where Are the Standards Developers?

Keith posted a “timely entry”:http://www.7nights.com/asterisk/archives05/2005/09/standards-geeks-hard-to-come-by a few days ago bemoaning the lack of designers/developers proficient in CSS-based web design.
This was a timely opportunity for me to plug the “opening in my web team for a web developer”:https://smileycat.com/miaow/archives/000159.php – this position is still open, by the way.

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Free Keyword Research Guide

(via “DONOTREMOVE”:http://donotremove.co.uk/) Wordtracker have published a 75 page PDF on how to conduct successful keyword research.
Although it primarily talks about how to use Wordtracker for your research (and uses a fictional online vegetarian dog food store as its example), there are a lot of tips and advice from SEO and copywriting experts that can be applied in more general terms to this topic.

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