US State Tourism Web Site Design: Two Years On (Part 2)

In part one of my review of how US state tourism web sites have progressed over the last two years, I covered the first 25 states. Here are the remainder.

Looking through the list below and the previous one, several things stand out.

Most states are now designing for a 1024px browser. The best designs match vibrant colors and imagery with top-level visitor tools and easy access to key content.

The presentation gap between states that have redesigned their sites and those that have not feels much wider. States that have not updated their sites to match current design sensibilities are looking really dated.


Old site:

Montana state tourism website: 2007
Montana state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

Montana state tourism website: 2009
Montana state tourism website: 2009


Old site:

Nebraska state tourism website: 2007
Nebraska state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

Nebraska state tourism website: 2009
Nebraska state tourism website: 2009


Old site:

Nevada state tourism website: 2007
Nevada state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

Nevada state tourism website: 2009
Nevada state tourism website: 2009

New Hampshire

Old site:

New Hampshire state tourism website: 2007
New Hampshire state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

New Hampshire state tourism website: 2009
New Hampshire state tourism website: 2009

New Jersey

Old site:

New Jersey state tourism website: 2007
New Jersey state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

New Jersey state tourism website: 2009
New Jersey state tourism website: 2009

New Mexico

Old site:

New Mexico state tourism website: 2007
New Mexico state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

New Mexico state tourism website: 2009
New Mexico state tourism website: 2009

New York

Old site:

New York state tourism website: 2007
New York state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

New York state tourism website: 2009
New York state tourism website: 2009

North Carolina

Old site:

North Carolina state tourism website: 2007
North Carolina state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

North Carolina state tourism website: 2009
North Carolina state tourism website: 2009

North Dakota

Old site:

North Dakota state tourism website: 2007
North Dakota state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

North Dakota state tourism website: 2009
North Dakota state tourism website: 2009


Old site:

Ohio state tourism website: 2007
Ohio state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

Ohio state tourism website: 2009
Ohio state tourism website: 2009


Old site:

Oklahoma state tourism website: 2007
Oklahoma state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

Oklahoma state tourism website: 2009
Oklahoma state tourism website: 2009


Old site:

Oregon state tourism website: 2007
Oregon state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

Oregon state tourism website: 2009
Oregon state tourism website: 2009


Old site:

Pennsylvania state tourism website: 2007
Pennsylvania state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

Pennsylvania state tourism website: 2009
Pennsylvania state tourism website: 2009

Rhode Island

Old site:

Rhode Island state tourism website: 2007
Rhode Island state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

Rhode Island state tourism website: 2009
Rhode Island state tourism website: 2009

South Carolina

Old site:

South Carolina state tourism website: 2007
South Carolina state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

South Carolina state tourism website: 2009
South Carolina state tourism website: 2009

South Dakota

Old site:

South Dakota state tourism website: 2007
South Dakota state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

South Dakota state tourism website: 2009
South Dakota state tourism website: 2009


Old site:

Tennessee state tourism website: 2007
Tennessee state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

Tennessee state tourism website: 2009
Tennessee state tourism website: 2009


Old site:

Texas state tourism website: 2007
Texas state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

Texas state tourism website: 2009
Texas state tourism website: 2009


Old site: state tourism website state tourism website

Current site:

Utah state tourism website: 2009
Utah state tourism website: 2009


Old site:

Vermont state tourism website: 2007
Vermont state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

Vermont state tourism website: 2009
Vermont state tourism website: 2009


Old site:

Virginia state tourism website: 2007
Virginia state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

Virginia state tourism website: 2009
Virginia state tourism website: 2009


Old site:

Washington state tourism website: 2007
Washington state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

Washington state tourism website: 2009
Washington state tourism website: 2009

West Virginia

Old site:

West Virginia state tourism website: 2007
West Virginia state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

West Virginia state tourism website: 2009
West Virginia state tourism website: 2009


Old site:

Wisconsin state tourism website: 2007
Wisconsin state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

Wisconsin state tourism website: 2009
Wisconsin state tourism website: 2009


Old site:

Wyoming state tourism website: 2007
Wyoming state tourism website: 2007

Current site:

Wyoming state tourism website: 2009
Wyoming state tourism website: 2009