10 Quick and Dirty Ways to Lay Out a List of Links

The best way to lay out a list of links — say, like those you would find in a footer — is typically to code them as an HTML list and use CSS for the presentation.

However, sometimes this is neither convenient nor practical (can you say, “legacy CMS”?).

In which case, here are some variations on how you can separate a list of links, starting with the old standby, the vertical bar or pipe.

1. Vertical bar [ | ]

Copyright | Privacy | RSS Feed | Sitemap

2. Broken vertical bar [ ¦ ]

Copyright ¦ Privacy ¦ RSS Feed ¦ Sitemap

3. Medium list dot [ · ]

Copyright · Privacy · RSS Feed · Sitemap

4. Big list dot [ • ]

CopyrightPrivacyRSS FeedSitemap

5. Colon [ : ]

Copyright : Privacy : RSS Feed : Sitemap

6. En-dash [ – ]

CopyrightPrivacyRSS FeedSitemap

7. Forward slash [ / ]

Copyright / Privacy / RSS Feed / Sitemap

8. Generic currency symbol [ ¤ ]

Copyright ¤ Privacy ¤ RSS Feed ¤ Sitemap

9. Lozenge [ ◊ ]

CopyrightPrivacyRSS FeedSitemap

10. Diamond [ ♦ ]

CopyrightPrivacyRSS FeedSitemap