It seems like MTV is not the only one who found that its web site was not working. John McCain’s presidential candidacy site has been completely redesigned to bring it more into line (or rather, complete alignment) with those of his competitors.
Read MoreWhere Has My PageRank Gone?
I’ve noticed recently that my SearchStatus Firefox extension is showing my Google PageRank as zero. Why this would suddenly drop from PR6 (which is what it has been for ages), I have no idea.

Online Image Editors Compared
A not uncommon request my web team receives is to do some sort of simple image editing for a staff member. I also sometimes hear that someone is getting Photoshop installed so that they can edit images and add them to their intranet site themselves.
Read MorePull-quote Design Showcase
I’m a big fan of using pull-quotes (or callouts) to improve the readability of content-heavy pages. Not only do call out important content, but they can also be used to break up content on the page and provide additional visual interest. Read More
A New Beginning
Last week I moved my family from Seattle to Austin, Texas. Why? In short, we were sick of the crappy weather. Today, as I sat on the porch of our rental house (we still have to sell our old place) enjoying the perfect weather, I knew we had made the right decision.
Read MoreOnline Job Application Tools Lack Usability
I was recently working with the vendor of our online job application tool to improve the user experience. Frankly, the current version of the tool leaves a lot to be desired in terms of usability.
Read MoreSave Ink by Cleaning Up Web Pages Before Printing Them
Isn’t it a pain that when you print a web page you often have to include a lot of stuff — like advertising — that you don’t want?
Read MoreAre You Making the Most of Your Website’s Thank You Page?
Fiftyfoureleven has a useful post about how they increased a client’s newsletter sign-up by putting the sign-up form on the thank you page of the site.
10 Best Practices For Displaying Tag Clouds
If you’re thinking of venturing into the ‘web 2.0’ world of tag clouds, Joe Lamantia has come up with a list of best practices for displaying them.
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