10 Best Practices For Displaying Tag Clouds

If you’re thinking of venturing into the ‘web 2.0’ world of tag clouds, Joe Lamantia has come up with a list of best practices for displaying them.

I’ve posted before about tag clouds, and remain on the fence as to their usefulness as a navigation tool.

However, in the comments to Joe’s post, a reader pointed out the value of tag clouds from an SEO standpoint, with all of those rich keywords and accompanying internal links that search engines love.

This is an angle I hadn’t considered before, which certainly adds weight to their addition to a site if it can be done in a way that is user-friendly.

6 thoughts to “10 Best Practices For Displaying Tag Clouds”

  1. Yeah I personal dont use them and see the point in having them either BUT that was before your point about SEO possibilities and so now I will sit on the fence with you 😛
    btw a side note, in my reader (google) your feeds lately give me your last 15 as new.

  2. Jermayn — sorry for not making your choice quite so clear-cut any more. 😉
    Re. the 15 posts showing up; I think that’s because I just moved my site over to PHP. When I rebuilt my posts for some reason the last 15 showed up as new again.
    Personally, in Bloglines, I always set my blog preferences to ignore updates to posts. I’m not sure if you can do that in Google reader.
    In making the switch I’ve had some fun with mod_rewrite in my .htaccess file, but I think that I’ve got all of my old URLs to redirect properly (fingers crossed).

  3. Thanks for looking out for me — I appreciate it!
    Too often (and I am guilty of this) if there’s a problem with someone’s site, people just move on somewhere else without letting the owner know.
    Now there’s a niche for a web 2.0 startup — a site that web site owners can join that enables people to easily post a comment about something that wasn’t working or that they had a problem with. At last, my path to riches…

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