If you run an ecommerce website or app, it’s likely that 30-50% of your transactions involved your site search. That’s why it’s critical that your mobile site search is well optimized, both in terms of functionality and user experience. Read More
Mobile Design

14 Innovative Approaches to Mobile Product Detail Page Design
Mobile product detail pages (PDP) follow a largely standard design. Given the small area of screen real estate available and the commonality of the content to be conveyed it is not surprising that PDP designs have become quite similar.
In this post I’ll examine which retailers are trying new ideas for displaying content and offering unexpected functionality on the PDP. Here are 14 examples to explore. Read More

App Install Banners are a Usability Nightmare
If you live in Thailand, you will be familiar with CP Freshmart, one of the largest chains of convenience stores in the country.
If you visit their website on a mobile phone, you will see a pretty standard home page for ordering online:
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Easily Create iOS and Android App Store Badges
Have you ever wanted to add a button (or “badge”) to your website to download a mobile app but thought it looked too much like hard work? Fortunately, both Apple and Google make this process easy with iOS and Android app online badge maker tools.
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8 Easy UX Improvements to Make the Grab App More User Friendly
Grab is a mobile app, like Uber or Lyft, which you use to book a car or taxi to drive you somewhere. I use the Grab Android app everyday to take my kids to and from school. Overall, it has a good user experience, especially after a recent redesign. However, there are still a number of usability ‘niggles’ which I suggest how to solve below. Read More

Innovative Approaches to Mobile PDP Design: Part 2
I recently wrote a post highlighting novel and innovative approaches online retailers were taking to product detail page design. Well, I had quite a few more examples to share, so I thought I would include them in a separate post. So, here are several more ways that some ecommerce retailers are rethinking PDP design.
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Scaling Mobile App Development Using a Decentralized Model
In order to scale mobile app development to support a growing product development organization, we are migrating to a decentralized development model, with multiple feature (vertical) teams supported by a cross-functional platform (horizontal) team.
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Fresh Insights From Global Mobile Commerce Study [Infographic]
The Interactive Advertising Bureau, IAB, surveyed mobile users from 19 countries around the world for their mobile commerce study “Mobile Commerce: A Global Perspective.” Read More

Delightful Ecommerce App Add-to-Cart Animations
I love these delightful add-to-cart animations! They make me want to keep adding items to my cart over and over. Read More